Process Engineer FOP Flux Physique (F/H)

Offer published on 2024-09-20
Location :
Clermont-Ferrand, France
Sector :
Supply Chain
Contract Type :

Open positions

Process Engineer FOP Flux Physique (F/H)

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Process and Standard:
• Defines/updates procedures, in conjunction with the business operation teams
• Builds performance indicators
• Contributes to the deployment of standards

Continuous improvement: Contributes to or steer process performance, based on the framework set by the LPE:
• Contributes to diagnostics and identification of areas for improvement
• Supports operational teams in their continuous improvement process

Project/Studies: Within the framework defined by the LPE and for projects under his/her responsibility
As part of a "Build" mission: carries out the design, construction and contributes to the deployment of processes and tools, at the best cost/performance ratio to deliver the expected operability and value:  
• Carries out the operational plan to complete the projects
• Coordinates the construction and supports the deployment of solutions (processes and tools) in line with the enterprise architecture
• Manages the planning and resources of the studies and projects under his/her responsibility
• Is in charge of defining and carrying out tests to validate the solution
• Builds the training material and contributes to the training
• Consolidates, challenges, validates and arbitrates the needs of process and tool evolution and pilots their implementation
 • Is a project leader or contributor. Can also play the role of Product Owner in the context of the agile method (in charge of the daily animation of the team and the development of the solution)

As part of a "Deploy" mission:  Answers to the needs of customers and Business Operation teams within his/her scope, by deploying Group or Region projects and by implementing adaptations/evolutions of existing solutions in collaboration with the BSE and Business Operation teams
• Is a project leader or contributor
•Is in charge of impact analysis and overall consistency of solutions within its scope
• Is in charge of the definition, organization and execution of tests, to which he/she contributes, until the final acceptance of the users (via several loops if necessary)
• Builds and deploys the change management plan until the transfer to the support and operational teams (including materials and training plans, document management.......)

Support: provide level 3 support according to the business criticality and the service level defined for the process
• Builds and deploys the data quality measurement process to support teams
• Is in charge of the implementation of the structural settings on his/her perimeter

Metier Network: By contributing to the functional Metier network, participates in the transmission of knowledge in his/her field:  
• Knows, understands and escalate local needs via the LPE
• Disseminates standards and best practices
• contributes to the competency development of the network members (BSE, .....)

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  • Classé parmi les groupes du CAC 40 les plus engagés selon les Bac+5 à l’index RSE Universum 2023
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  • Dans le top 3 des entreprises du secteur « Automobile / Equipementier » en matière d’attractivité employeur à l’édition 2024 du Palmarès @EPOKA @GROUPE IFOP @Occurrence

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